So, I have been trying out new recipes for you BUT, I haven’t found any that are great enough to share with you. They just aren’t and I’m sorry I haven’t had the time to fuss with them to make them better and therefore sharable! However, recently I came across this article that outlines the diets of the longest living, healthiest people on the earth, and there are six tenants for What We Should Be Eating & Making Now.
Here are the highlights from the article entitled The 6 Golden Rules of Eating for Longevity, According to the Longest-Living People on Earth by Allie Flinn from the blog Well+Good.
1.) Drink wine after 5 pm.
It’s 5 pm somewhere! Ideally with friends and a meal. I’m in!!
2.) Eat mostly plant-based foods.
Now I do eat meat, almost every day, but I have been trying to have more meatless days…
3.) Include plenty of carbs in your diet.
Surprising to me! They eat grains, greens, tubers, nuts, and beans. Beans seem to be most important, and I know when I am hangry (hungry and angry because of it), beans or lentils calm it the most.
4.) Enjoy meat only on occasion, and only 6 ounces at a time.
Your portion should be no bigger than a deck of cards – that is enough.
5.) Stick to black coffee, water and wine as your beverages.
In other words, pure stuff, no sugary nonsense.
6.) Practice modified forms of intermittent fasting.
I personally have been fasting 16 – 18 hours per day and I have lost weight and feel so much better. So, I may eat dinner at anytime between 6 pm and 8 pm and I will not eat anything the next day until 1 or 2 pm and that really works for me. At that time, I do have a really good meal, like a full dinner, with protein being eaten first. This is working for me in so many ways, I hope you try it for yourselves. And no, I do not miss breakfast first thing. You do not need it at our age.
I will also add to this list a few other things that I have been doing:
Practicing mindful eating.
Eating and chewing slowly, being conscious of what you are enjoying, is so important. This practice will result in eating less as it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to tell you that your stomach is full.
Intentional choices for your food.
I was having high blood pressure readings, most likely from the stress of trying to remake my life after the sudden passing of my husband, Steve, as well as lack of sleep from the stress, so my doctor immediately wanted to put me on blood pressure medicine, but I was not going to go in that direction. Instead I did some research and started eating a lot of broccoli – raw or barely roasted – sweet potatoes, flax seed crackers and taking the oil in supplement form, and eating 6 cashews a day as a preventative action for cancer. I am happy to say that my blood pressure is back to my usual good-to-low readings.
And then of course, are you drinking enough water
Years and years ago, I once had a doctor explain to me that your body needs plenty of fluids flowing always, to transport the white blood cells around to kill any infections that might be lurking. So drink up that filtered water!!
Food can have a profound impact on how people think and feel.
I would love to know the diets of the violent rioters. I wonder if they’re full of processed foods, high in saturated fats and simple carbs?
What do you think?
Since I don’t have any new recipes at this time that are good enough to share, here is a reprise of some of my summer favorites!

Make and serve all with LOVE!