I am SO lucky!! My friend Toni travels all over Europe with her work. We had dinner with her and her husband Bill, who are long time friends, this past week on the lower East side. She arrived at the restaurant carrying a shopping bag. You know I mainly use French salt when I cook. It is so expensive here and so inexpensive there. So sometime ago, I had asked her to pick up some when she was in France next, but I didn’t expect the other gifts!! She got me the bag of “everyday salt” and then the Fleur De Sel – a special finishing salt.
The truffles and saffron are from Spain. One of our designers, Carlota, is from Catalonia and she said this is the exact saffron that her mother uses and the truffle brand, her grandmother uses, and is actually from Catalonia! I can’t wait to use them!! Maybe tonight, the truffles on pasta?
Thank you Toni!!
In addition, I have recently become a member of The Daily Meal’s Culinary Content Network! I am so excited to be part of this community of recipe writers, restaurant reviewers, food bloggers, and photographers. There is one thing we all have in common–we love food! Explore this great network here: http://www.thedailymeal.com/holiday/culinary-content-network
What a lovely gift – good friends know just what to buy.
Maureen | Orgasmic Chef recently posted…Cinnamon Rolls – moan factor 15 !
So right!
We live on the Atlantic coast of France where sea salt abounds. I love the fleur de sel from the Ile de Re. It’s extraordinary, but the salt pans have not changed, in essence, since the Romans first constructed them.
Roger Stowell recently posted…F.U.N.E.X
My very favorite is actually the grey salt for general use. You are lucky.
Ooh! These ingredients sound exotic and probably tasted wonderful!
yummychunklet recently posted…I’M BACK!
What wonderful gifts! That bag would make many a foodie swoon. I cannot wait to see what you’ll do with them all. 🙂
ChgoJohn recently posted…Salted Cod Salad
I will keep you posted!
What a wonderful gift, how thoughtful of your friend. Congratulations on joining the Daily Meal community, sounds great.
apuginthekitchen recently posted…Kreative Bloggers Award
I know!! 🙂
What a great friend you have!
Alex Suarez recently posted…Frank
What a great gift! What I got to love lately is truffle salt – salt with little bits of truffle – it’s very flavorful, I find it to be more flavorful than some fresh truffles or truffle oils. I think you live in NYC, yes? I just spent a month there – love it!
Julia | JuliasAlbum.com recently posted…Berry tartlets with sweet and creamy kefir tart filling
You know I have some of that too, Julia, and have not used it yet. How do you use it?
I adore the Fleur de Sel and it really is expensive here in the States!! Yes, I have some in my pantry, but I only use it sparingly. 🙂 It’s so lovely of your friend who got you so many goodies! What a great friend.
Amy Tong recently posted…Asian Summer Noodle With Dijon Sesame Dressing (夏の中華冷麵配芝麻芥末醬汁)
Totally!! Love your Asian noodle recipe!!