With all the blizzard storm warnings out yesterday, we got up early and stocked our larder for the weekend. Well it was pretty nasty on Friday, particularly with the gale-like winds, but NYC did not get hit so hard. We woke up this morning and it was all over, with just a foot of snow – so not so bad.
Here’s the view from our apartment.
So yesterday, with the thought of staying put all weekend, I had decided to make a favorite beef stew recipe today, to serve for Sunday night dinner. I use a recipe from Lee Bailey’s Long Weekends cookbook, that I have adapted and changed but the basis is his. He is no longer with us on this earth, but I will tell you, most all of his recipes are great!! I first met him though his Food & Wine magazine contributions and then searched him out in other places as well.
I have a sneaky suspicion that beings in the afterlife do not eat food. They don’t need to, but they miss it. Now I know you think I’m a little crazy, but haven’t there been times when you have to have an extra bite or an extra sip of something and YOU really don’t want it but feel someone is making you do it? Maybe that is some being who wants a little taste through you??
Just musing….
I will post the recipe and pictures later. Right now, I gotta get cooking!
Jess says
Next time I REALLY want another sip of red wine, I’m totally blaming my grandmother. I actually think what you say makes perfect sense, though, especially when it comes to cravings or a taste or idea for something that comes out of the blue.
Mary Frances says