My sincere apologies for the delay in writing at the end of April and the beginning of May. We’ve had quite a lot of drama and excitement going on in our home. Charlotte will be leaving as she is not comfortable in our neighborhood, business has been booming with still 4 more boxes to unpack (which I hope to tackle next weekend) and our youngest son has had his choice of graduate schools – Harvard, Yale, Columbia and the University of Chicago for his PhD study in Eastern European History. He has chosen Yale!! (And I’ll get a sweatshirt!)
My husband has allowed me to gradually introduce some of the forbidden items back into his diet. What I have missed most, is garlic. So I got to sauté some garlic for some escarole recently and truly, I was over the moon!!
Just look at how pretty it is. I’m convinced that if the onions and garlic are well cooked, they won’t bother his acid reflux condition. And, if they’re made with love.
Yay for Yale! I live 20 minutes away, he can take weekend breaks at my house at the beach.
Thanks!!! He will probably be coming back to the city a lot – his girlfriend will be attending NYU for her PhD program in Comparative Literature.